MediTern provides integrated and personalized medical services such as consultations, diagnostic, billing, insurance arrangements, travel and accommodation, translation services, and travel services offered  to companions:
Specific medical services:
- Medical case assessment, analysis of the medical documents, clinical consultation
- Preparing medical records – medical history, current state description, recommendations
- Selection of the medical provider based on the performance criteria
- Providing medical solutions – recommending 3 medical facilities (private or public) and physicians with the expertise to solve the case
- Establishing contact with the medical institutions and the doctors with expertise in the specific area
- Facilitating fast access to the medical centre and to the doctor – scheduling consultations and interventions.
- Providing assistance for an optimal treatment decision and determining subsequent steps required for accessing medical institutions
- Sending medical records, preparing and managing the formalities • Assistance with international health insurance
- Providing personalized costs plan
- Providing assistance regarding hospital admissions and the relationship with the physicians
- Follow up
- Maintaining permanent contact with your doctor and managing the relationship between physician-patient – healthcare provider
Travel and touristic services:
- Touristic programme (optional trips to the main touristic objectives, cultural events participation etc.)
- Touristic assistance
- Travel guide
- Accommodation arrangements
- Arrangements for airport transfers
- Local transfers
- Visa support
- Providing translations
- Companions tourist programme during the patient investigation and treatment